Jeff Phillippi Art Collections
Shop for artwork from Jeff Phillippi based on themed collections. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Shop for artwork based on subjects. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Artwork by Jeff Phillippi
Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Valles Caldera National Preserve II by Jeff Phillippi

Dogman by Stephen Phillippi

October Reflections II by Jeff Phillippi

Turkey Vulture Eggs by Jeff Phillippi

Built to Last by Jeff Phillippi

Velvet Crown by Jeff Phillippi

The Scout Statue by Jeff Phillippi

Hay Hook and Harness by Jeff Phillippi

Robber Fly 1 by Jeff Phillippi

Valles Caldera National Preserve by Jeff Phillippi

Jack and Golden by Jeff Phillippi

Fall Colors Flint Hills Prairie I by Jeff Phillippi

fall Colors Flint Hills Prairie III by Jeff Phillippi

God Rays by Jeff Phillippi

Farm Puppies by unknown

Gridiron Warriors by unknown

Maui Palms by Jeff Phillippi

Red-winged Blackbird Protests by Jeff Phillippi

The California Mother and Daughter by Jeff Phillippi

Trend Setters by unknown

Rocks and Cottonwood 2 by Jeff Phillippi

Wing Span by Jeff Phillippi

Cattle on the Flint Hills Prairie by Jeff Phillippi

Father Daughter Farm by Jeff Phillippi
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 541
About Jeff Phillippi
Artist Statement:
Leaning against a tree, foot sore from a long walk through fields and along fence rows, I rest, a shotgun cradled loosely in my arms. I have paused in a woodlot on the far side of my grandparents farm. Dad is 40 yards to my left working his way through the timber with our dog. The air is cold but the sun warms my face. It is quiet. I could take a nap right here. My mind begins to drift but something brings me back. Peeping and cooing noises slowly work into my consciousness along with the tick and scrape of leaves on the ground. The chaos of fall leaves, tree trunks and buck brush gives way to an orderly line of quail marching through the undercover in single file - bobbing their heads as they go. Less than 20 feet away the squad of bobwhites marches along, oblivious to my presence. It is the first time I have seen quail outside of a covey rise or my bird dogs mouth. I am witnessing something secret, a world hidden from human eyes. Nature is playing out before me as if I am not there, as if I am just another tree in the forest. I am excited, to say the least. At the time, I was only 12 years old but I knew right then that was how I wanted to experience nature. Eventually, I realized it was not enough to have the experience I must find a way to share it. In time, the camera became the tool I would use to share my appreciation and wonder of our natural world.
My professional photography career began in 2002. Natural history is my focus, specifically the nature of Kansas. My images should tell a story. The foreground, the subject and background should all come together as meaningful pieces of the whole. If an element of the photograph is not adding to the story it is detracting from it. Simplify, simplify, simplify. Early in my career I was out there capturing everything I could capture. I was accumulating images and then trying to find a story in what I had already photographed. Today my efforts are more focused. I am beginning the process with an ending in mind.